<aside> 💡 How to use this template

This career development session template follows the GROW model (goal, reality, options/obstacles, will), using our Progression Framework blueprint as the foundation. Understanding what drives and motivates you as a person is an important basis for this session, which is why we spend 1/3 of the time on this the first time around.

You do not need to fill anything out in advance. But you should have had a look at our Progression Framework blueprint and give some thought to what level you would rate yourself at.

Please remember to make a copy of this page, this is just the template.


⭐️ Motivation (15-20 minutes)

<aside> 💡 Fill out this section if you use the template for the first time. If you have filled out this section in a previous career development session, it's fine to do a quick run-through and check if motivation, mission, vision and dealbreakers are still the same.


What motivates you in your role?

What drives you (mission):

What do you work towards (vision):

Dealbreakers (that will make you quit):

➡️ Looking ahead to this time next year (40-45 minutes)

<aside> 💡 Goal: can be specific (e.g. "I want to be a lead”) or more general (e.g. "I want to be an expert in a new coding language"). Reality: Use the progression framework and your last ‣ details as a starting points where you are right now. Options/Obstacles: decide what to work, e.g. look etc biggest impact, quickest win, largest skills gap to goal, short- vs long-term goals etc. Will: Set no more than 2-3 tasks. Make sure they are SMART.


1️⃣ Goal - How do you want your career to look like in 12 months?

2️⃣ Reality - Where are you currently?

3️⃣ Options & Obstacles - What could you do? What's holding you back?