Bonnet exists to unf*ck our planet 🌍

That’s the tag line.

More specifically though, Bonnet exists to reduce human-induced climate change by saving 1Gt of CO2 emissions over the company’s lifetime.

That’s really the tag line and really the only goal. Everything we do as a company is simply a stepping stone to reach that goal.

Climate change is a very complex subject, which is completely out of scope of this tirade. It suffices to say that road transport is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. That’s the sector we’re tackling to have the most impact. After all, 1Gt CO2 is an obscene number (yearly road-transport emissions of the EU), so better go after something large if we want to get there.

Fixing road transport invariably means EVs. Hydrogen is questionable and other solutions are either complete moonshots or don’t have a hefty impact. And we’re all about hefty. Electricity on the other hand is neither a moonshot nor a small-scale solution because it is ubiquitous. We can generate and ship it quite easily - now we just need to dispense it. And this is where we come in.

In our ideal world, every kWh going into and out of an electric vehicle is controlled through Bonnet. Like a tap that controls water. I guess a tap is not a sexy analogy, but that’s basically what we’re striving for.

Our products


Bonnet Driver is our B2C core product, a mobile app that allows EV drivers to discover and use all charge points.

Driver is founded on 3 principles:


Premium is being released as an open-ended Beta in the UK - this means we don’t have a defined end date for the trial period.

The 3 main features of Premium:


Bonnet Dash is an all-in-one dashboard that provides companies with:


Bonnet Alternator is our White Label In-App Solution that gives companies the benefits of Bonnet, within their own app:

<aside> ⏰ Last updated June 2023.
