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Time doesn’t grow on trees

Other players have deeper pockets and bigger brands. The number one thing we have going for us is the speed of execution.

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Anything but grey

Standing out is never a bad thing. People can either hate us or love us, but they have to feel something when they interact with us.

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The big picture is just a bunch of small details

Devil is always in the details. Everything we produce has to have thought behind it, no matter if it’s the colour of a button or a contract clause.

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Give energy, don’t take energy

Otherwise everything goes tits up. The first law of thermodynamics.

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What lives in your head deserves to live outside

Meaning 1: Effective communication and knowledge transfer make all processes more efficient (if it’s written down, people don’t have to ask you about it). Meaning 2: Speak up - your opinion is as relevant as anyone else’s on the team.

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Grit is gold

“In psychology, grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual's perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective).”

How we work

How we do planning

The main page to understand how we do planning is the Roadmap page, and especially the Smooth Operator page.

How we do meetings

By default, we try to limit the amount of meetings we have. Which means we’ll have to use the time we do spend in meetings as wisely as possible.

Company rituals

How we internally communicate