Our aim is to create a workplace people want to work for, and naturally as a consequence don’t want to leave. But obviously things change a lot, which sometimes means that we are parting ways.

What’s first?

If you are thinking of leaving, please give us as much notice as possible. If you are unsure about the length of your notice period, check your employment contract or your Humaans profile. Come talk to us as soon as you are thinking about leaving - maybe there's something we can do! And even if there isn't, we won't hold it against you.

Once your decision to leave is final, we encourage you to tell your manager first that you’re handing in your notice - they will be keen to talk through your decision and discuss timelines.

After you’ve told your manager, you’ll need to officially hand in your notice by sending a resignation email to your manager, with Eltje and Patrick/Eliot in CC. The people team will confirm details like remaining payroll, annual leave etc.

Based on the circumstances of you leaving, we might offer you Gardening Leave, which means that you’d be suspended from work on full pay for the duration of your notice period.

What’s next?

We would also like for you to participate in an exit interview with Eltje as part of your offboarding process. This is optional of course, but we would really like to get your feedback about your time at Bonnet and discuss next steps like your final pay slip and P45.

If you have vested share options, please speak to David as soon as possible so that you fully understand what is going to happen with those stock options.

How do we let others know?

Eltje and your manager will work with you to find the best way to communicate your departure., We usually use our team-wide TGIM meeting for any people announcement, but if you’d rather use Slack to share your farewell message, that’s fine as well. And you only share what you want to share, reasons for leaving after often very personal.

Your last day

On your last day, please hand back your computer, keycard and everything else that belongs to Bonnet to Eltje, alongside your contact information. Please make sure you delete all private information from your computer before you hand it back to us.

You will get your final salary as well as your P45 with our regular payroll. We will email your final payslip and your P45 to you. If you have any annual leave left, you will be paid for the vacation in your final paycheck.

All offboarding steps will be tracked as tasks in Humaans as well.

Life after Bonnet

Even when you’re no longer part of the team, we’ll always be in your corner. If you need anything (like a reference), please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.

<aside> ⏰ Last updated April 2023.
